I am 53-year old man who tested HIV positive in 2001. I learned about my status after a long period of illness.
While I was sick, I was so desperate that I took any treatment that was offered to me. I went to different traditional healers and was given different treatments by them all, but nothing changed. I didn’t get any better. I realized that I needed to do something immediately and so I decided to go to Mkoba 1 Clinic for an HIV test. And the test came positive.
It has been 11 years since then and I live my life positively every day. I am now taking ARVs and I feel fit and well.
My advice to everyone in the world is: go and get tested early – don’t delay. It will save your life.
Mr Sibanda is from Gweru Zimbabwe and is a member of the Nothando Positive Heroes Support Group and supports our partner organisation All About Love Trust Zimbabwe http://www.facebook.com/groups/allaboutlovetrustzim/