Stigma remains the single most important barrier to public action. It is a main reason why too many people are afraid to see a doctor to determine whether they have the disease, or to seek treatment if so. It helps make AIDS the silent killer, because people fear the social disgrace of speaking about it, or taking easily available precautions. Stigma is a chief reason why the AIDS epidemic continues to devastate societies around the world.

“Thank u 4 accepting me, and make me part of your family. I feel better and I want to be part in making a difference now that I'm aware that I’m no longer alone in this. God Bless u as u reach out to other people.”
BM, Move! reader

“It’s not HIV that’s killing people. It’s not the fact that people don’t know about it, or there’s not enough medication. It’s Stigma.”
Barbara Kingsley. Hero and Ultra-Marathoner

“Since I started this project, my life has changed completely. I don't feel any shame about myself. I'm proud of me. Since I joined Positive Heroes I go all over in the world. I talk everywhere and I'm not scared.”
Evelina Tshabalala, founding Hero and Ultra-Marathon Team Leader.

“You can be the generation that ends HIV/AIDS in our time, the generation that fights not just the disease, but the stigma of the disease.”
Michelle Obama, First Lady

“If you can survive the first few minutes of sheer shock of realization of your HIV status, you are already a HERO!!!
Faghmeda Miller, Positive Hero.

“Every hour, every minute , every second of the day means a victory to me. I will not let a virus take control of my mind and my body. The better we feel about ourselves, the more positively we approach our treatment, the better the body responds.”
SN, website user

“I've read a lot about Positive Heroes which made me so strong. I want to volunteer my services within the organisation reason being in my area people die without having much knowledge”
T. – Website User

“If someone is ashamed of himself he can see me talking live about my status, and he can be powerful to talk about HIV.”
Masibulele Gcabo, Counsellor and Ultra-Marathoner

“Positive thinking alone can never be enough. Positive action fuelled by positive energy is the key not just living with an HIV+ status, but to living well.”
GL - Website user