February – December: Move! Magazine agree to devote a double page spread to featuring a Positive Hero and telling their story. Move! is South Africa’s Number One Woman’s Magazine: with a reach reach of over 1.1 million readers every week March – December: Billboards on Adderley Street – Cape Town’s main thoroughfare – feature messages […]

Our Campaign Of Hope: reaching South Africa
Positive Heroes’ vision is to reduce the fear, misinformation, stigma and discrimination that still surround HIV in South Africa. We do this by providing role models who encourage and inspire others living with and affected by HIV, with their powerful messages of hope. Our Heroes share their life personal testimonies of surviving and managing HIV […]

Positive Heroes 2009 – 2014: A Report
For a full report on our activities between 2009 and 2014 – please click on the link below. PH 2009-2013 REPORT (final compressed)

Siphiwe Ngamone and Pholo Ramothwala on the Dr. Mol Show: Simply Heroes.